+91 9176699635

Quenching car weighing system

Quenching car large structure with 400 to 500 tons tare Wight, we designed and developed a simple weighing system which can be mounted on the track, with maintaining the high and shape of existing railgauge. The system can accurately measure the eve a small quantum of the material loaded in to the quenching car, high tare load net

The system can be integrated with user interface and remote PLC connectivity toknow the time of loading,unloading, travel time, cycle time, shock resistance

Our innovative drop replacement design, load pin based design allow any car to be converted in to the accurate weighing system with minimum shutdown.

Our futuristic design not only minimizes the showdown and reduces the day to day maintenance of truck based system and allows the equipment to function to full life

Our custom made load pin directly fit in to the axle of the car to measure the load on the car

Key Features

 Accuracy and reliability

 Full onsite commissioning and support

 High reliability using proven load cell design

 Special Software adaptations

 No Civil work

 Little mechanical modification required

 Impact load bearing capacity is high

Site Installation Photos

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